Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts

Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Blog on Aam Aadmi Party : A Political Revolution

Why December 4, 2013 can be a golden letter day in History of India

Dear Friends,

We all have been living in this country and have taken things for granted , like our citizenship, our rights, our duties, facilities we get from our government, life we get as a citizen of India. We may appreciate other countries , their lives and blame our system for all the problems we face. It is a good way to give a vent to our frustration.

We blame our country for all this, but who makes this country.. It is we as citizens. We choose our leaders and entrust them with the responsibility of developing this society/ country. The leaders come from different political parties. They shape the future of societies with different laws and policies. We have seen in these last 66 years that we are not developing as fast as we could have. I am not saying good work would not have been done or the problems have not been solved… But..66 Years is not a short span of time… Our pace has been slow because of the vested interest we have in 
our political class.

Let us take a simple example for better understanding I hire a cook for my home and entrust him the responsibility of handling kitchen. The cook in this process has absolute control in all kitchen matters. He buys vegetables from his own relative, 
purchases grocery from shop where he gets commission, takes all dry fruits, milk , cream, curd and ghee at his own home. He still claims he is doing his best to serve us the finest food. But we are still not liking it. We actually have a problem with us rather than it being with him. Fed up of all this I decide to start cooking myself. Now he starts complaining and shouting.

This is actually the situation with present political class. When we as people demanded things we wanted for ourselves. They said you come in as elected representative and become eligible to draw legislation. When we decided to actually do it, they are shouting we do not have experience.

But there are few things we owe to our next generation.. our Kids. They should be proud of being an Indian Citizen. And we have a right to shape up our future.

For this we need to come out of this complacency, attitude of ‘CHALTA HAI !!’. We may be don't have a time/ resources to CONTRIBUTE in this nation building, but yes we still we can let this ‘change for good’ happen to our country.

A new Party is in election fray this time.. AAM ADMI PARTY (AAP). It is a breath of fresh air in this rotten system. I am recommending this party because If I do not support this movement this time, may be it might come to an end and I will have to wait for another 25-30 years for some changes to happen in my country. The political class will presume whatever they have done in past 60 years was good and we deserve no better. I do not want to say it to my children that your country is just like that.. we can not change it.

This Delhi Election might be the starting point and example for a national movement. I am not happy with the present political class/ political system. My country could have also been a developed and powerful nation had politicians not misused it. I am a common man and want to see power of a common man If they win, it will not be a victory of any leader.. but of us directly I can see the truth behind Sting Operations carried on AAP.

If We do not consider this as our responsibility, who else will?

It (AAP) has to be different for being in business.

Those who dared us to come through political channel for our voices to be heard by them, need to be taught a lesson.

I have not forgotten “Nirbhya” gang rape and the treatment our government gave to us during protests.

I have to do this as an experiment for my children’s future.

We now need to act. Me alone can not bring this change… We all have to be a part of it. I am not a politician, leader or supporter of any political party. But I have a Dream for this country. The dream to be a superpower some day.. To have a system where fairness is guaranteed to society.. A city, I can be proud of as a resident. If I am able to get 10 votes from this letter. I would be contended that I have contributed in this process of change. If you are convinced after reading this mail, I hope you will not stop yourself by Just voting for AAP but also try to convince people around you and also forward this letter to your colleagues/friends/ relatives and acquaintances..

Your contribution will not go in waste... I have a firm belief of it.

Jai Hind... 

A proud Indian

Yes I RECOMMEND STRONGLY.. TO VOTE FOR THIS NEW POLITICAL PARTY...It’s the final lap for the biggest political battle in India’s recent history. Just a few days left-final chance to ensure clean politics & accountable governance. If not now, When? If not you, Who will stand up to clean the system? Will you come out on the streets of Delhi?

Thursday, November 28, 2013

"अब तो जाग जरा" ------क्रांति

"अब तो जाग जरा" ------क्रांति

"फिर मत कहना देश को बचा न सका ,
अब तो जाग जरा "

कभी पाकिस्तान ,तो कभी चाइना हमारे ही घरों में आ रहा ,
लो-कल-लो-बात अब तो बांग्लादेश भी हमें आँखे दिखा रहा ,
महामौन मंत्री , और मैडम जी अमेरिका में शीश झुका रहा ,
अब तो जाग जरा | |

आकाओं ने बेच दिया इमान ,गिरवी रखने को है सोना , गिरवी रख देंगे हमारा सम्मान ,
देश के दुश्मन देश को बेच रहा ,
अब तो जाग जरा | |

लूट गयी ज़मीन , लूट गया आसमां (टू जी )
कोयला , लोहा ,वन सबकुछ दुश्मन लूट रहा ,
अब तो जाग जरा | |

गिर गया नेताओं और बाबाओं का चरित्र ,बढ गया इंफ्लेशन ,
रुपया , जी .डी .पी ,सेंसेक्स सबकुछ दुश्मन गिरा रहा ,
अब तो जाग जरा | |

अँधेरा घना छा रहा , देश पे घोटालों के बादल मंडरा रहा ,
निराशाओं को दूर करने झाड़ू आ रहा ,आम आदमी जाग रहा ,
हाथों में हाथ , कंधे से कन्धा स्वराज मिला रहा ,
अब तो जाग जरा | |

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