Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Google Meets Miss Manners, Encourages Searchers To Thank Those Who +1′d Content

DEAR MISS GOOGLE: When I searched for something using your service, I found a friend had +1′d one of the of listings. What should one do in this case? GENTLE SEARCHER: It’s always polite in these situations to thank your kind friend. In fact, I’ve added a new “Thank” feature allowing you to do exactly this, though Google+.
Yes, a new Google+ feature has been spotted in the wild that further blends organic results with social  information.  Early today State of Search and charliesaidthat noticed a thank you link on an organic listing next to the Google+ users who +1′d a result.
Yes, a new Google+ feature has been spotted in the wild that further blends organic results with social  information.  Early today State of Search and charliesaidthat noticed a thank you link on an organic listing next to the Google+ users who +1′d a result.
When logged in as a Google+ user, various editors here could see this functionality appearing sporadically on a range of search terms.  In order for the “Thank” link to show, the link in the results had to be +1′d from a circled user.   This functionality is currently only showing intermittently at the moment.  A Google rep did not comment further on this feature when asked for more information.
If a searcher did choose to thank someone for the +1, they were prompted to thank directly on Google+.  The message automatically contains the original +1er on the post:
This limited visibility post is shown directly on the wall of the user who is doing the thanking.  If you are looking to keep your appreciation of the +1 private, just make sure you don’t add in any other circles to the message:
Bas van den Beld performed a search related to the specific thank you post and found that some users were downright purplexed about the new communication:
So don’t be surprised next time you’re thanked for a +1 on your wall.  We will continue to follow up on this feature and any official announcements.For more info about digital marketing news visit  DigitalMarketingContest2012


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